;Bsp Allocatable Code ;********************************************************************* ;--PROCESSOR DECLARATION LIST P=PIC18F14K22 ; list directive to define processor #INCLUDE ; processor specific variable definitions ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--SUPPRESSED WARNINGS: ERRORLEVEL -302 ;"Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure .." ERRORLEVEL -207 ;"Found label after column 1." ; ;--CONFIG-SETUP CONFIG FOSC = IRC ;Internal RC oscillator CONFIG PLLEN = OFF ; ; ;OSCTUNE,PLLEN =0/1 fosc*1/*4 CONFIG PCLKEN = OFF ;Primary clock is under software control CONFIG FCMEN = OFF ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled CONFIG IESO = OFF ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled CONFIG PWRTEN = ON ;Power Up Timer enabled CONFIG LVP = OFF ;Single-Supply ICSP disabled CONFIG WDTEN = OFF ;Watchdog disabled ;********************************************************************* ;--VARIABLE DEFINITIONS CBLOCK 0x60 LcdData ;Lcd_Init HD44780_2Wire.INC LcdBit ;Bitzähler LcdFlags ;Ablaufsteuerung Daten/Instruktionen d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 BCD4,BCD3,BCD2,BCD1,BCD0 ;Binär to BCDconversion ACb1,ACb0 ;ADC-result xw1,xw0 ;helpervariable cntB2D Flags pntr1,pntr0 tmp1,tmp0 tmpLines txtTABLE ENDC ;********************************************************************* ; LABELS & CONSTANTS ;********************************************************************* ADC_PORT EQU PORTC ;vgl. 18F14K22_ADC_Init.INC ADC_LAT EQU LATC ADC_TRIS EQU TRISC ADC_ANSEL EQU ANSEL C1VINp EQU ANS0 ;RA0(19) C1VIN+ C2VINn EQU ANS1 ;RA1(18) intern with C1VIN- C2VINp EQU ANS4 ;RC0(16) C2VIN+ ;